IAG ENGINEERS accompanies clients in their international expansion as their trusted engineering partner, developing studies and projects for industrial implementations.
NIGERIA | Flat ceramic factory
Project execution in four phases for a total production of 32,000 m2/day. Covered area: 36,000 m2. Valuations and subsidy requests.
Medicine warehouse
Construction and facilities preliminary design for a central medicine storage with 300 m2 cold room.
Fire workshop
Construction and facilities preliminary design for a centralized workshop for light and heavy fire-fighting vehicles.
RUSSIA | Flat ceramic factory
Study for the execution of a mixed bicoction and monoporous plant for coating (4 ovens/100 meters). Covered area: 36,000 m2.
POLAND | Flat ceramic factory
Proposals for a flat ceramic production plant.
Frit manufacturing industry
Execution project of two attached industrial buildings. Covered area: 2,700 m2. Subsidy request.
Flat ceramic factory
ARGENTINA | Frit manufacturing industry
Execution project of two attached industrial buildings. Covered area: 2,700 m2. Subsidy request.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Flat ceramic factory
Proposals for a flat ceramic production plant.